Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO)

The WEP and GPO are measures that reduce Social Security benefits for retirees who receive public pensions. Even though Ohio public employees do not pay into Social Security, if you work a private sector job before, during or after your city employment, and if you work enough quarters to earn a SS benefit, it will be reduced under the WEP. If you are the survivor or beneficiary of a person who earned a SS benefit, and you also receive a public pension, your survivor or spousal benefits will be reduced.

H.R. 82 is a bill that would repeal the WEP and GPO. It was introduced in the U.S. House early this year. CMERA recently wrote a letter to the U.S. reps from our area asking them to support this bill. We’ve also created a template for you to use, if you wish to also ask your representative to support it. Please consider writing, especially if you live outside the Cincinnati area now.